Janie Priest RN
Registered Nurse-Holistic, Nutritional and Motivational Coach

I'm Janie Priest, Your Holistic Registered Nurse-Coach
If you are dealing with any type of chronic illness ranging from migraine headaches, asthma, excess weight, auto immune diseases to heart disease or cancer, please know I have been exactly where you are.
I was so scared when I was diagnosed with an auto immune disease which was a threat to my life. I was rushed to the emergency room and then the intensive care unit with severe atrial fibrillation which could have caused a stroke or heart attack.
The protocol to treat my disease was to destroy my over active thyroid with nuclear medicine. This very unacceptable solution sent me on a long journey to ultimately discover that most every chronic illness is a result of deep-rooted inflammation in our bodies.
The true miracle of the human body is that it is designed to heal. Given the correct care to create cellular repair, it will reverse the disease and return to full health.
Whatever pain, illness or disease you may be experiencing is NOT a life sentence. My passion as Nurse-Coach is to knock that invasion out and help you return to optimal health.
My offer to you is a free telephone consultation to explain how I can help you and to see if we are a good fit for one another.
Together we will establish goals that will inspire you, breakdown your resistance to change, and commit to an action that will propel your health forward.
My role is to help you see what you cannot see on your own, to elicit focus, clarity and a new perspective so that you can reach an optimal state of health and wellbeing. My goal is always to serve your best interests so you can become your happiest, healthiest and most fulfilled self.
To your health!

Why Choose Holistic Medicine?
One central issue affects us all; the modern diet. The human diet today is the leading cause of death on our planet earth. It fuels heart disease, cancer, diabetes, and many other chronic health conditions. People are living in pain most often because of what they consume. Science is clear, giving the body the correct fuel can considerably decrease and reverse the risk of disease, increase energy, enhance sleep and lead to a more fulfilling, pain free and longer life.
I understand that you've tried various methods to improve your health. You've invested a significant amount of money in doctors, naturopaths, healers, supplements, herbs, elimination diets, and blood tests. Despite all your efforts, you're still feeling unwell. It's not easy to hear, but being overweight is often the first step towards chronic diseases. When fat accumulates in cells that aren't meant to store it, it disrupts their proper functioning, leading to inflammation, dysregulation, and physical symptoms. These symptoms tend to appear in the weakest areas of your body. The tipping point for your body to enter a disease state is different for everyone, regardless of how much excess weight they have. This is mainly caused by consuming high-fat, cholesterol-filled, inflammatory, toxic, and carcinogenic animal foods, as well as junk food in the standard American diet. In order to find relief, it's crucial to change your diet and lose weight. Medications, yoga, fasting, herbs, supplements, and healers won't be effective unless you make this dietary shift. Transitioning to a whole plant-based diet helps eliminate fat from your body while providing essential nutrients that aid in repairing damage. This change in diet allows your organs and systems to heal and function properly, ultimately restoring balance to your body. By switching to plant-based foods and shedding excess weight, you may experience internal healing at a faster rate than you expect.

Cancer and Type 2 Diabetes
The "War on Cancer" isn't going all that well despite billions of dollars spent and millions of lives lost, Cancer is still the second leading cause of death. Type 2 Diabetes is catching up at a rapid pace. Our diets can dramatically reduce the risk of both these deadly diseases. Let me teach you the latest scientific breakthroughs.
Heart Disease
Heart disease is the leading cause of death for men, women, and people of most racial and ethnic groups in the United States. One person dies every 33 seconds in the United States from cardiovascular disease. Heart attack, stroke, heart failure, arrythmia and heart valve malfunctions are the most common diseases. A whole food plant based diet can restore endothelial function freeing blood flow and ultimately reverse or prevent these killer diseases.
Gut Health- Inflammation and the Autoimmune Disease Connection
Chronic inflammation weakens our immune system. Inflammation is created in our bodies by the foods that we consume. Oils, saturated fats, dairy, eggs and all the processed foods. It is now known that the majority of all health problems stem from our gut. You are told your auto-immune disease is a for life disease. I am here to prove to you that in most cases they are completely reversable!

Americans are both overfed and at the same time undernourished. Obesity in the United States today affects 42% adults and 20% children and accounts for approximately $147 billion in annual health care costs. These numbers are climbing at a steady pace. Many people are obsessed with body image and weight loss. The common caloric restricted diet most often backfires and is not sustainable for a lifetime. However, there is a system to manipulate food tactics which makes it impossible to overeat. This plan is completely sustainable for life.
Anxiety, Depression and Insomnia
Seven in ten adults in America have experienced addition health impacts due to stress. It is no wonder we have become a "Prozac Nation". I offer personalized treatment plans to help you manage stress naturally. My natural approach to whole person health, mind, body, spirit, emotions, environments, values and purpose helps to identify the root cause of your stress and treat it naturally.
My Services
At Janie Priest RN, I treat every client as a unique individual with differing treatment plans. During the discovery call I will ask you of your health concerns and goals as well as describe my basic plan of action as well as costs. During this session, we will determine if we are a great fit for each other to move forward.
I am excited to speak with you about elevating your health and wellbeing. I am so grateful for the opportunity to collaborate so you can feel and live your best life.
While your physical health is indeed important, coaching is so much more than that. In our sessions, we will address your health as a whole person; mind, body, spirit, emotions, environment, values and purpose.
Throughout the Nurse-Coaching process, we will work together to improve your health and elevate the quality of your life. We will explore what is truly important to you, create goals that inspire you, breakdown resistance to change and commit action that will propel you forward. We will take an honest look at where you are now, where you want to go, and create a plan on just how we’ll get there!
I will also send you a Nurse-Coaching agreement and HIPPA disclosure. Please sign where indicated and return this document to me. Once this is done, we can focus on our work together and I can serve you to become your happiest, healthiest and most fulfilled self!
My Message for You
The natural healing path that you are on is often perceived as so much slower than desired. That’s because we are healing at the speed of NATURE, rather than forcing our bodies to bend to the brutal will of invasive medical procedures and chemical interventions. The very moment we begin to care for our earthly temple in a way that honors our biology, our cells will begin to respond in tandem with our actions. The hard work is always your doing and the results will be great. Give yourself permission to let the body take its particular time so that your mind can be at peace also